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2011 Economic Forecast: Who Has the Real Estate Crystal Ball?

Star Real Estate Huntington Beach, Mitch Galyean

Mitch Galyean Of Star Real Estate in Huntington Beach asks the big question and shares his take on O.C. real estate.

Being in the real estate business, I’m often asked how business is, and what’s going to happen with the economy. considering myself an optimist, I tend to look at the bright side of the

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Huntington Beach Local’s Choose The Sugar Shack For Breakfast


The Sugar Shack in downtown Huntington Beach is an all time favorite for the H.B. local’s.

The Sugar Shack Cafe is located on Main street in Huntington Beach and is the local hangout for breakfast grub and surf stories. The seating outside is cozy and has that old school Huntington Beach charm. The menu

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