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Surfing Lessons with Surfriders Academy in Huntington Beach Ca.

Surfriders Academy is located in Huntington Beach, Ca. and has been giving surf lessons since 1976.

The company was founded by Marcus Barrera who is one of the first to open a surf school in Southern California. For over 30 years Marcus has been teaching students from young to older not only how to surf but creating life changing experiences by educating his students about respecting the power and spirit of the ocean and how to be in harmony with environment.

Surfing is more than a sport, it becomes a way of life that digs deep into your soul. Aside from being a cool, sexy sport, it is a challenging and emotional ride to being and giving your best.

Surf Lessons in Huntington Beach, Ca.

  • Surfriders Academy, gives group surfing lessons as well as private lessons and lessons for kids.

Some things to consider on why Surfriders Academy is a great choice for your surfing lessons:

  • The surf instructors are friendly and patient
  • The instructors specialize in first time and beginning students
  • The instructors help to build self esteem and remove fear from the fun while teaching respect of the oceans power and focusing on safety while teaching to surf.
  • The Academy is insured and NSSIA Certified.


To schedule your surf lessons, contact Marcus at surfridersacademy@hotmail.com or call 714-782-4510

Oh the joy of learning to surf! Great Little Video of a Student and a Proud Mom:)

Some Cool Beach Gear We Recommend 🙂



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