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Huntington Beach Real Estate With The Galyean Team

Real Estate Power Team Mark & Mitch Galyean

“Serving your Huntington Beach real estate needs with passion and dedication”

Father and son team, Mark and Mitch Galyean, specialize in selling homes and residential income properties in Huntington BeachHuntington Beach Real Estate Team Mark and Mitch Galyean and surrounding beach communities. “We believe success is created by listening to our clients’ needs and exceeding their expectations by proactive communications and follow through.”

A Native to Orange County, Mark Galyean has been selling real estate since 1978. He earned a broker license in 1981 and graduated Cum Laude from California State University, Fullerton with a degree in Business Administration/Finance. Mitchel Galyean, having always competed at higher levels being the youngest of three sons, was a natural to enter the business. After completing his first two years in the business and learning curve on his own at Coldwell Banker in South Orange County, he was ready to build some synergy with his father.

“We are driven to help clients make good decisions about real estate and have surrounded ourselves with a knowledgeable team. This includes attorneys, accountants, mortgage consultants, insurance brokers, title agents, and escrow professionals. We have built strong relationships with other real estate agents and brokers, and have aligned ourselves with Star Real Estate to leverage their market share for our client’s benefit.”

Mark Galyean Star Real Estate Huntington Beach View Mark Galyeans complete profile here

Broker Associate,

CAR, NAR, SFR LIC # 00677307




Mitch Galyean Star Real Estate Huntington Beach View Mitch Galyeans Complete Profile Here

Realtor Associate, Member of OCAR,

CAR and NAR Lic # 01858203



2011 Economic Forecast: Who Has the Crystal Ball?


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