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Huntington Beach Local’s Choose The Sugar Shack For Breakfast

The Sugar Shack in downtown Huntington Beach is an all time favorite for the H.B. local’s.

The Sugar Shack Cafe is located on Main street in Huntington Beach and is the local hangout for breakfast grub and surf stories. The seating outside is cozy and has that old school Huntington Beach charm. The menu selection is terrific and the prices are very reasonable.

My personal pick off the Sugar Shack breakfast menu in the eggs benedict. For about 7 bucks you get two delicious eggs benedict and a heaping side of hash browns. Yep cover my hash-browns with ketchup and I’m as happy as a clam. The hollandais sauce is perfect and you get  good smothering of it. Not like some of the other joints around town that skimp on the sauce.

The Sugar Shack Eggs Benedict in Huntinton Beach

So what makes The Sugar Shack the Huntington Beach local’s favorite hangout for breakfast?

It’s the people, the owners, the friendly laid back beach chick and surfer dude staff and of course the food.

The menu selection is full for any time of day and you get your money’s worth.

Be Warned…

On week-end mornings and on holiday’s, The Sugar Shack gets slammed with customers. Get there early and count on waiting at least an hour after you put your name on the list. Even The Local’s will wait it out for their favorite breakfast here.

Timmy Turner hangin at the Sugar Shack..

Michelle Turner, Owner of the Sugar Shack, tells it like it is.

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1 comment to Huntington Beach Local’s Choose The Sugar Shack For Breakfast

  • Bonnie Brawley- Condon

    The Sugar Shack has always been good to the people in HB. I remember going here in the 70’s with my sister Sheri that was friends with the girls. I was able to stop in a few years ago, with a friend I brought from Minnesota, and it was just like home again. It’s great to see you on Video Michelle, hope to see more soon…
    Bonnie Brawley-Condon

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