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Dog Beach In Huntington Beach,California

Dog Beach in Huntington is an awesome place for your K-9 pal to get some great exercise and enjoy early morning runs or the the sun and surf throughout the day.

Dog Beach in Huntington Beach, California

Dog Beach is located between 21st Street and Seapoint Street on Pacific Coast Highway and is right around One Mile of golden sand.

You’ll find the doggy clean up bags on the street level next to the stairs and benches. Please make sure you use these if you don’t bring your own. Huntington Beach takes pride in keeping the beaches for all of us clean and safe.

Staying In The Dog Beach Boundaries:

At the end of Seapoint Street, you will see that there is a fence. Please do not take your doggy outside of the dog beach boundary. The local’s will get ticked off a bit.

Cool Video Share On Huntington Dog Beach:

Huntington Beach Doggy Gear:

Dog Beach Wetsuite Dog BoomerangBy Fab4Pets… Great Quality Dog Gear:)

Doggy Beach Gear

Don’t Forget To Comment on Dog Beach! Let others know how much you I Love Huntington Beach Heart Dog Beach in Huntington Beach!

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