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Diane’s Beachwear 2013 Bikinis Huntington Beach

I have been getting my beachwear and bikinis at Dian’s in Huntington Beach for years.

Why shop at Diane’s? Because they are the very best at selecting the hottest new bikinis. The 2013 bikinis are wonderful at Diane’s.

My latest purchase is the Vix Dakar Tri top and bottom. This is by far my favorite suite yet. It just fits so incredibly well.

Here are a few shots I took of the top and bottom of the Vix Dakar Tri from Diane’s. I bought this one at the Bella Terra Location on Edinger.

Vix Daker Black Bikini

Vix Bikini Top Strap

Vix Bikini Bottom Braided StrapVix-Bikini-Top-Stiching





















The material is the best ever…

If you cannot find this at Diane’s, you can get it on Amazon from Vix.

Here is the link to the site:      ViX Women’s Dakar Tri Top, Black, Medium

For more info on Diane’s check them out online here

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