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Central Park in Huntington Beach

Central Park in Huntington Beach, California is just one of the many hidden gems in H.B.

Huntington Beach Central ParkLocated at 1800 Goldenwest St, Central Park is filled with amenities. Many are unaware of some really cool facts about Central Park.

For instance, Huntington Central Park is the largest city owned park on Orange County, Ca. It spans 350 acres of  land and is rated the top location for bird watching by many magazines as well as the Huntington Beach bird community.

Central Park is also noted as home of the largest children’s library west of the Mississippi.

Weather your in the mood for a peaceful stroll, some exercise or a fun day with the family, Central Park has it all in one nice neat package.

The Amenities in Huntington Central Park Include:

  • Campgrounds
  • Fishing
  • Four Play Grounds
  • Fire Ring
  • Nature Center
  • Picnic Facilities
  • Frisbee Golf
  • Lakes
  • Horseshoe’s
  • Equestrian Trails
  • Public Restroom Facilities
  • Park Bench Restaurant
  • Dog Park
  • Amphitheater
  • Exercise Course
  • Sports Complex

Huntington Lake Central Park:

Huntington Central Park Lake

There are two lakes in Huntington Central Park. Huntington and Talbert Lake.

Both lakes are surrounded with exercise trails and benches and are also approved for fishing. The fish that are found in the lakes include:

Channel Catfish

Large Mouth Bass

Blue Gill


Rainbow Trout and Carp

Catch and Release are suggested for the trout.

A fishing license is required for those over the age of 16.

Motor and Paddle boats are not permitted on the lakes. However, in Huntington Lake model boats that are run on electricity, steam or sail are permitted.

Huntington Central Park Map:

View Larger Map

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