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Super Bowl 2013 Huntington Beach Ca.

Are you ready for some Football? Super Bowl 2013 parties in Huntington Beach! Here are our top 3 picks for Huntington Beach Super Bowl Parties.


Fred’s Mexican Cafe: Celebrate at Fred’s! Fred’s Mexican Cafe 300 Pacific Coast Hwy Huntington Beach, CA 92648-5109 714-374-TACO (8226) www.fredsmexicancafe.com

If you are an HB Local, you already love

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Central Park in Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach Central Park

Central Park in Huntington Beach, California is just one of the many hidden gems in H.B.

Located at 1800 Goldenwest St, Central Park is filled with amenities. Many are unaware of some really cool facts about Central Park.

For instance, Huntington Central Park is the largest city owned park on Orange County, Ca. It spans

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