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Diane’s Beachwear 2013 Bikinis Huntington Beach

Vix Bikini Bottom Braided Strap

I have been getting my beachwear and bikinis at Dian’s in Huntington Beach for years.

Why shop at Diane’s? Because they are the very best at selecting the hottest new bikinis. The 2013 bikinis are wonderful at Diane’s.

My latest purchase is the Vix Dakar Tri top and bottom. This is by far my favorite

Continue reading Diane’s Beachwear 2013 Bikinis Huntington Beach

Super Bowl 2013 Huntington Beach Ca.

Are you ready for some Football? Super Bowl 2013 parties in Huntington Beach! Here are our top 3 picks for Huntington Beach Super Bowl Parties.


Fred’s Mexican Cafe: Celebrate at Fred’s! Fred’s Mexican Cafe 300 Pacific Coast Hwy Huntington Beach, CA 92648-5109 714-374-TACO (8226) www.fredsmexicancafe.com

If you are an HB Local, you already love

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Surfing Lessons with Surfriders Academy in Huntington Beach Ca.

Surf Lessons in Huntington Beach, Ca.

Surfriders Academy is located in Huntington Beach, Ca. and has been giving surf lessons since 1976.

The company was founded by Marcus Barrera who is one of the first to open a surf school in Southern California. For over 30 years Marcus has been teaching students from young to older not only how to surf

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