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The Shorebreak Hotel Gets the Huntington Beach Locals Attention!

The Shorebreak Hotel in Huntington Beach

Alright H.B. Locals.. If you have not hung out at the new Shorebreak Hotel on the Strand, you might want to jet on over there and check it out.

From the outside, the Shorebreak Hotel looks well, average in the day time but wail till you get an inside view of this new hangout.

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Dog Beach In Huntington Beach,California

Dog Beach in Huntington Beach, California

Dog Beach in Huntington is an awesome place for your K-9 pal to get some great exercise and enjoy early morning runs or the the sun and surf throughout the day.

Dog Beach is located between 21st Street and Seapoint Street on Pacific Coast Highway and is right around One Mile of golden sand.

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Huntington Beach Local’s Choose The Sugar Shack For Breakfast


The Sugar Shack in downtown Huntington Beach is an all time favorite for the H.B. local’s.

The Sugar Shack Cafe is located on Main street in Huntington Beach and is the local hangout for breakfast grub and surf stories. The seating outside is cozy and has that old school Huntington Beach charm. The menu

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My Favorite Huntinton Beach Happy Hour Appetizers

Hurricanes on Main Street in Huntington Beach, Ca.

Hands Down, my all time favorite “Happy Hour” appetizers in Huntington Beach are at Hurricanes on Main street. Hurricanes has a huge selection of fresh and delicious eats.

Hurricanes is not only my personal favorite for the great grindage, it’s also a hot spot for many of my pals that gather for the good

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